Top Projects to make in React JS

Top Projects to make in React JS

Here are some projects I have made with React js. They aren't the best, but I can guarantee you, that you will learn tons of things. By building such projects, you will have a deeper understanding of building projects with React. Here is my top six list, then I will also show you a bonus list.

  1. Google Clone - This project is a clone of the google search engine (And works!). I have implemented basic react and AJAX requests. You can check the project in the link.

  2. Breaking Bad App - This project is inspired from Brad Traversy's video. This project is similar to the first one because it explores API calls and requests. You can check the project in the link above.

  3. Facebook Clone - I haven't deployed this project but this is a very important project. It looks at context api, several hooks, dynamic routing and firebase. This also has authentication, posting, likes and comments. I am working on friending right now.

  4. Bitcoin Price Tracker - This is also inspired from Brad Traversy's video. But this is a Next js app, so I am diverting a bit but it is still a React project. Check it out at the given link.

  5. Whatsapp Clone - I haven't built this but it is similar to the facebook clone till an extent. This is also connected to firebase which gives you access to realtime database and authentication.

  6. Youtube Thumbnail Creator - I have built this project but I haven't deployed it. This is arguably, the most useful project in the list because this project looks at many libraries and components because most probably you wouldn't build your own colour picker or resizing div. You would use pre-made components just as I did. If you do want to build such a project then you can comment down, if you'd have any doubt or questions. This can also be a blog banner creator or vice versa.

Here is a bonus project.

  1. Discord Clone - This project is similar to the Whatsapp clone but is still different. Here we are implementing redux. That is right, redux! Context api is one thing but redux is different. This is a cool and exciting project and explores many awesome react features.

That was it for this list, if you liked this post then go and react on this post. Comment which one did you like the most and which one you built. Hopefully, this post was helpful. Bye!